14 Monterey court, Manhattan beach ca
remodeled plan 1 court home
The latest home to be listed in Manhattan Village is a “Plan 1” court home located at 14 Monterey Court. This multi level home has been nicely remodeled with coastal kitchen and a bright and clean look. The most recent Plan 1 sales were at $1,299,000 for 4 Bermuda Ct, $1,359,000 for 30 Monterey Ct and $1,325,000 for 17 Cordoba Ct. 14 Monterey Ct has a nice outdoor patio that overlooks a spacious grass area.
View the MLS listing details below.
Home Info
- 2 bedrooms
- 2 bathrooms
- 1,465 square feet (BTV)
- $690 HOA
- Remodeled
- Priced at $1,325,000
Contact Manhattan Beach real estate specialist Keith Kyle with Vista Sotheby’s International for more information